SandJo Photographer
2013 : exhibition
• Member of " Collectif d'artistes de La Tangente"
Located right opposite of the great Chateau de Versailles, in genuine Art Deco industrial premises, La Tangente is a new hype creative place regrouping art classes, art design studios, exhibition halls, and musical studios.

• October 20th & 21th - 27th & 28th : exhibition with Claire Mazurel, sculptor, in "10ème Parcours dans l'Art Actuel - Ateliers Portes Ouvertes 2012 Ι City of Versailles (France)
• Member of " Collectif d'artistes de La Tangente"
Located right opposite of the great Chateau de Versailles, in genuine Art Deco industrial premises, La Tangente is a new hype creative place regrouping art classes, art design studios, exhibition halls, and musical studios.